
Some of my friends’ declarations for “Leave” mystify me, others were probably to be expected: I like to think I can be friends with people with all sorts of opinions. What it shows is that there is dissatisfaction with where we are today and I can understand that. There is […]

EU Referendum

The good thing about Boris being re-elected as Mayor of London is that he is able to be more honest and less calculating in his writing (I think).  Rather than seeking to sidestep the gaffs that once characterised his political life and making sure he mentions as many groups of […]

House of Lords Reform

One part of the argument which has blown up around SOPA/PIPA that has not been discussed much is the concept of when something becomes your intellectual property. I am delighted to see that the PIPA vote has been postponed and that most sane people now realise that the proposed legislation […]

Intellectual Property

The violence we have witnessed over the last few days in London and elsewhere is not due to the shooting of a young man in London, it is not even due to widespread “poverty”, rather it is the discovery of a tactic that is allowing greedy people with a complete […]

No Excuses